Why Video?

Medical Explainer Videos

Ideal for Cost-Conscious Training, Marketing & Conference Teams

Save Doctors Time

HCPs are busy and don’t have spare time for reps.

Make Your Data Memorable

Hundreds of medical papers are produced daily. Make yours stand out.

Train Staff Better

Save time while still ensuring reps grasp key concepts quickly.

Make Conferences Better

Use Explainer videos at events as great conversation starters.

Use in Video Brochures

Hand HCPs an impressive brochure containing your video.

Improve Your Emails

Rep-triggered emails get huge response rates with video.

Be on Every Device

Ipads, Smartphones etc. You need to be on whatever a Dr uses.

Track HCP Engagement

Who watched your video when and did they share it? Track them.

Save on Reprints

Save on paper and costly reprints by creating just one video.

Use with Edetailing

Suitable for use with Veeva, Viseven, Proscape and more.

Localise per Market

Videos are available in all major languages.

Fixed Price

Videos are €5,000 per min exVAT.

Life Stage

MedExplainers are Ideal for Guiding Physicians on:


Growth & Maturity

